lunes, 24 de abril de 2017


The life of a person is very long but one day they die, sometimes very early or sometimes later. It depends if you take care of your body or not. To have a healthy life you have, firstly, to eat well and do some exercise, if not, you would have a short life.

The most important thing is to eat with a lot of variety, fish, vegetables/ fruit, meat, etc. This would help you to have a life without complications, for example to be tired. However, you have to pay attention on what you buy due to the fact that sometimes food has some chemicals, in the case of vegetables, an amount of fertilizers and pesticides.

Another aspect to have a healthy life is doing exercise. Although you do not have to stop eating well, doing exercise depends on the eating because if you eat fast food and do a sport then you will be very tired. The exercise doing has to be moderate due to the fact that, if you do more than usual you will be exhausted.

To conclude, I think that having a healthy life delay the day of death, so it is very important to do this if you want a longer life.

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