miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

Amy Austin

Escuchamos una entrevista de Amy Austin que fue realizada en la radio y a partir de aquello realizamos un mapa conceptual.

Imagen relacionada

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

On the way to school

Here I live the video that show a debate about this quote, "Knowledge is only adquired at school",  and a presentation that includes some information about Morroco.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Problemas Ambientales Urbanos

Después de leer y analizar un texto acerca de los problemas ambientales urbanos, en grupo realizamos una presentación donde se explican los temas analizados y leídos en el texto.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Life of Pi

Resultado de imagen para life of pi“Life of Pi” was a movie directed by Richie Macaus in 2012.This movie is about an Indian guy that had a zoo with his family and wants to move to USA. The family have a lot of animals including monkeys, giraffes, tigers, ect. During the trip, across the sea, the ship sinks and the only that survive was a guy call “Pi”. He travels all along the sea in a boat. As you know in the ship were animals and one of them reaches the boat of Pi, it was a tiger call “Richard Parker”.

The best thing I see of this movie is how “Pi” takes the control of the situation having a tiger in a boat. He tames him during the time he had been in the boat trying not to be eaten by the tiger. Pi also fishes to eat and to give it to the tiger, this is how Pi start to win the respect of the tiger. But the most interesting thing is how Pi starts to fill something for the tiger.

Something that I do not like so much is that it is a very slow film, it shows things nothing in common with the situation. Another thing is the ireality of the images of the movie, there were a lot of animals with lights in their body and I do not liked it too much.

My finally recommendation is that you have to see the movie due to the fact that it is a very interesting movie although it is very slow.