domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Technological inventions

New machines were created
Atmospheric engine(Thomas Newcomen)
 James watt improved Newcomen version with a separate condenser
 Spinning Jenny, first machine which produce yarn
 Water frame
The water frame and spinning jenny were transformed  in one machine,“mule”, so invented a better  steam  loom.

In 1700 with the new machine changed the textile industry
 Spinners and weavers went to work to the factories and left the cottages
 Mills and factories were built.


As spinners and weavers left their cottages, the urbanization started to grow.
 Instead of producing things by hands they started making them with machines.
 Produced more  cloths in less time.

Workers had bosses.
 They worked a lot of hours.
They received very few money.

Natural Resources
 GB had the natural resources (coal and iron) that industry need.

 GB had natural harvours
GB had the transportation.
 The  mines were near the seas so ships could carry the coal easily .
  All the major rivers were navigable.


Coal gave more energy than wood.
Coal produced the energy to the steam machine.
 GB colonies supplied raw goods to the factories in a cheap price.
All colonies exports went to GB and all the colonies  imports came from GB.

 The demand of coal grew ,so the deeper mines were full of water ,so they had to pump the water out of the mines.

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