The Equatorial climate have a tropical climate and is located in the Amazon Basin(South America), the Congo Basin(Africa), Malaysia, Indonesia and some areas in northern Australia. There is a hoty temperature, the average monthly temperature is between 26 and 28ºC. The precipitations are high, it fall 2000 mm in a year or more. in this climate the days there are all the same, hot, also there’s high evaporation, clouds are formed and there are heavy rains.
The Tropical Continental have a Dry climate and it is located in northern Australia, Parts of Central Africa, and some areas in South America. The daily temperature range may be 15 degrees Celsius or even more. Near the Equator the precipitations are wet seasons, 1000 mm per year and far from the Equator there are short wet seasons, 300 mm per year. An interesting thing of this climate is that there are distinct wet and dry seasons, most of the rainfall occurs during a particular period during the year, the wet season.
The Hot Desert it is also a Dry climate, there are located between 20º and 30º north and south of the equator. Something that called my attention of this climate is that the temperatures are very different between the day and the night, on the day the temperature reach 50ºC and at night the temperature are below 0ºC. The precipitation are low, it fall less than 250 mm per year.
The Cold Climate is located at the polar circles and at zones of elevated altitude. In that climate the temperatures are very low under 0º because they have Polar Climate, temperatures are very low along all the year. There is an abundant precipitation most of them are of snow. In the Artic, the sunsets in October and doesn’t rise again until February.
The Monsoon Climate have Tropical Climates, is located most commonly in South and Central America, there is also in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and North America. The temperatures remain high all year round with an average of 29ºC. The precipitation in this climate is off 600mm per year.There are Tropical Monsoon Forests, found in Tropical areas with a distinct dry season.
Tundra is a climate located at latitudes 55º to 70º North, that have a polar climate and an annual temperatures average of -28ºC.Their precipitation is around 350 mm per year and is mostly of snow. There are shorts summers and long cold winters. This climate cover a 20% of the Earth’s surface.
Let´s talk about language and some ideas that are not very clear.