Parìs is a very nice place and big. It is the capital of France. It has 12 millon of inhabitants, there is rainfall throughout the year. You can visit the Eiffel Tower. It is a very visited place and you have to get there by airplane.
The good points of this place are that it is a big place, you can also visit a lot of museums, shop in a lot of markets and shops of clothes, eat a lot of food of that nationality and see different cultures.
The bad points of Parìs are that a lot of people live there. If you want to do something outside, sometimes you can not do it because it is always raining.
In Parìs you can see a lot of different sports, you can also go to different museums. In that city there are a lot of types of festivals and you can visit differentt buildings like the Eiffel Tower.
In conclusion you can stay there for one month to see all the city. you can stay in a house or in a hotel but I recomend you to stay in a house because it is cheaper and more comfortable and do not rent a car; you can travel by metro.
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