miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

Foreign language

Its is a good idea to learn foreign language
One advantage of learning a foreign language is that travelling becomes more enjoyable, you can study at an university or you can take a good job in another country, also you can communite with a lot of people.
The most normal language that is learned in the school is the english, chinese and francais also in locals institute, not only in schools.
If you know a forange language you can seat for internationals exam like cambridge exams for english to help you to enter in the best university of the world
It is a good idea to learn a new language because it help you in things in your life.


From: Tom
Sent: 2 May
Subject: Visit

Dear Ema,
                I love to hear you again, sory, because i don't write you some months ago. I don't, i writre you because the computer was broken and i don't know where i can find someone to repear it
Me too i have a new house, i have a bigger room, how is your room?
for me doing friends is not difficult but i thing that for you yes, so you have to be funny and talk to your mates
that´s an advantage for you,because you have the sea near and i can go all the time in addition i can see you all the time. so tell when when you wanted me to go

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Chapter 2

Youseff grew and turned 18 years old. In addition, he wanted to go to university, althou he wanted to be a football player. However, he did not have money to go to a football club. In conclucion, one day he was walking inthe street and he saw a coin that was as brilliant as the sun that said "the coin of the good luck", and he asked to himself, "what is this?". After this he went to his house to show his mother the coin:
-"This ias a joke son"- the mother said.
-"Do you think so?"- he asked.
-"Yes son, come one"-  answered the mother.
Later he saw a diamond in the street and nhe become a millionare. More over, he bought a lottery ticket and he wonone million dollars, furthermore,he found a cheque on the floor that said 100 millions. When he found this, he jumped as high as a frog, finally, he became the bestt football
player and the ri
chest human beeing in the world.

Los calcihuesos

Lo primero que hicimos fuejuntarnos en grupos de cinco, la profesora nos dijo que traigamos un hueso de baca, femur, cortado a la mitad y otros elementos, fuimos al laboratorio para examinarlo y sacarle fotos. Despues con las fotos las interbenimos y con ella hicimos una presentación sobre ellos, sus partes y las cosas que tiene dentro.